Wishing you all the best in 2008! I know this year is going to be so much better than the last (in fact, much better than my last ten years have been) A time of new beginnings!
Experiencing life from a whole new vantage point. . .
Christmas Eve night we go to Barb and Brad's for the traditional turkey dinner and Rob Your Neighbor game (the highlight of the evening!) Before dinner, we had to, of course, have a little nativity scene fun. Note how the shepherds, wise men, sheep, and angels are mingling and networking. This is the scene you don't see every day! ;o)
Lauren and 98-year-old Gram visit before dinner.
Barb and her sister-in-law, Lauren (not to be confused with our Lauren!) make preparations.
Christmas morning started with gift opening! Then getting ready for the family to come over for breakfast and gift exchange.
Baby Aly was the star of the day as you can see!
"Aunt Mary Jo is my favorite!" - Aly (hee! hee!)
The traditional Mintman sibs picture (just like when we were kids....do you think we might all look at the camera and smile at the same time?!)
I got much done yesterday on my day off, including half my Christmas cards completed, some paperwork done, laundry, a little cleaning. Brother-in-law Brad was nice enough to wait at my house for the bed delivery while Marty and I went to a free sneak preview of Sweeney Todd. I'm not at all into slasher films, but JOHNNY DEPP was in it! So I just hid my eyes at the gross scenes (and there were many), but Johnny was adorable when he wasn't slashing people. As Marty said, "That was bloody good!" Haaaaaaaaaaa!!!
2) I traveled to Bangladesh in 2006. Not exactly my dream country, but I had an opportunity to go with a team at my church to help out with a conference. It was an eye-opening experience and now it's made my dream of traveling to foreign places a reality. Looking forward to the next trip, whenever and wherever it may be!
3) I hate fish - swimming or on a plate. Eww! I think the trauma began when we had an aquarium in the basement as a kid. One morning I ran downstairs and almost stepped on a "jumper" who was flopping around on the floor. When I was 11, I went fishing with my uncle who made me put the worm on the hook and tried to make me take the fish off the hook, once I caught one. Then I watched him clean the fish and had to eat it later! Sorry, I DON'T DO SEAFOOD!!! I would rather eat something funky like goat meat!
4) I am a closet Hank Williams fan. We can blame my dad on this one. To this day, I can tolerate very little country music, especially NOT the twangy kind. But I own a Hank Williams CD. I think it's just because it reminds me of my dad and all the times we had to listen to him playing the records or better yet, singing the songs himself while he played the guitar.
5) Someday I'll be living in the Himalayas. Yeah, really! I've really developed a passion for that part of the world in the last several years, especially for the country of Nepal. No, I have no plans to reach the top of Mt. Everest, but it would be nice to go a few steps up just to say I climbed it!
TAG, YOU'RE IT! Hit me with five things I never knew about you!
Brother-in-law, Brad, came over this past Monday to paint my bedroom! (a birthday gift from Barb). Doesn't it look cool? He even painted the ceiling and baseboards and replaced the outlet plates and switchplate. Thanks, Brad!! It's nice to see my room slowly coming together.
No..........not THOSE Monkees! (although I have to say I think Mickey was the first drummer I fell for!)
In my baby book, my mom wrote that my first word was not "mama" or "dada," but MONKEY! In fact, I traded in my pacifier for a stuffed monkey!
My brother, Marty, and I have a tradition of exchanging monkey cards for our birthdays! Growing up, I always wanted a pet monkey (but now I have tw0 real ones of my own!) ;o)
Barb would be proud of my Martha Stewart moments! ;o)
Shiloh hopes to score some snacks with those pitiful puppy eyes he always uses on guests!