Lest my loyal readers think I've become obsessed with Twilight (who me?!) I decided to show you what else has been going on in our lives this summer.
Katie and her friend, Brittany, had a Double Sweet 16 picnic a few weeks ago. It was a hot and humid day, but the kids had fun, especially with the water balloons!
Britt & Kat
Em & Kat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Bring Your Child to Work" day took place in July also. Even though my girls have almost outgrown it, they still enjoy coming to work with me for a day and helping out in our department. This year the theme was the presidential race. The kids paraded around in these candidate masks. It was kind of scary! Especially when I was concentrating at my computer and looked up to see Obama right next to me!
Working Girls
Hilary and Obama (with a braid!) pay a visit
A parade of candidates (scary!)
We celebrated Gram's 99th birthday in July also.
Barb & Gram

Katie's first driving lesson (in the library parking lot)! She did very well. Check out her new specs! She looks so grown up. It's hard to believe 16 years ago I was folding, sorting, and rearranging tiny baby clothes and dreaming about when my baby would arrive (not until August 22nd). Now just look at her!