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Since I've been in my 40s, God has opened my eyes to see the world differently, a new type of maturity...and I like it! I wouldn't trade this for the days of youth for anything. :o)
The computer gurus at Blogger have come up with this addicting Blogger Play which features pictures currently being uploaded to Blogger. Be aware that you have no idea what pics may show up in case you're easily offended! Click on a pic you like. It will take you to the blog where it's from. How cool is that?
Quotable Quotes
“The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea.” - Isak Dineson
Love the video...really love it.
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very nice video...
Great! such a cool video.=D
Great post !!!
Classy and very articulate. Thx and may God richly bless you!
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