Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Mourning my Coffee Pot

Sunday, December 20, 2009
An Orange in Your Stocking

Saturday, July 25, 2009
My List
WALK far and long.
Get in shape.
Get healthy.
CLIMB stairs at Creve Coeur Lake.
(prepare for my future)
Get in a routine.
Thoroughly clean one room per night for starters.
Yardwork/garden ---> *Stop being afraid and learn to enjoy it!
Work out and implement a debt reduction plan.
Contact International Institute.
Meet Bhutanese/Nepalese.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
It's Time for Me to Fly!

*Free Chick!*
"I'm tired of holding onto a feeling I know is gone. I do believe that I've had enough....I believe it's time for me to fly." - (written by Kevin Cronin, REO Speedwagon)
Tomorrow, July 10, 2009, marks the one-year anniversary of my Emancipation....from the heartache, worry, stress, grief, pain, anguish, dashed hopes and dreams of a failed marriage that I tried so hard to make work on my own.
Whoa, before I get too melodramatic here, let me say this this has been a FANTASTIC year! I have been more than abundantly blessed by God. My Jehovah Jireh (my Provider). I have no cause for worry. This past year has been a relief.
I wish I could say that I'm completed healed from my 20-year-old marriage crashing down but I'm impatiently learning how things take time even when we want to rush them along.
So last year at this time, the future was so BRIGHT for me (even through the pain). I made a list of the new hopes and dreams I had. But I've learned in the past year, sometimes we think we are going from Point A to Point B but may end up at Point C, something totally unexpected. How cool is that!?

Sometimes what we think is bad can sometimes turn out to be really good.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Excuses, Excuses!
This is the second weekend after Tax Day and I feel like it's finally a "real" weekend. Last weekend I was still out of it from exhaustion. I find myself in the place where I question myself. Where do you draw the line between relaxing and just being plain lazy! ;o)
At the end of tax season, my mind is full of plans for afterwards: projects, organizing, painting, cleaning, learning to like yard work. Then, it never fails, a few weeks after tax season ends, I find myself drained and lacking motivation.
Next weekend I am traveling to the Ozarks (a 4-hour drive from here) with a group of friends for a MUCH NEEDED scrapbooking retreat! We are renting a huge house on the lake. I sooooooo need a getaway in order to get back into scrapbooking mode. Plus a BIG bonus!! Jenn, one of my AOL scrapbooking loopies (we've been together as a group over 10 years) will be driving up to scrap with us one day. This will be the first time I have ever met one of my loopies, so.................. I CAN'T WAIT!!

Okay, I'm getting my butt up from the computer and going to do something productive about here.
Stay tuned!!! (Oh, and thanks for reading, by the way!)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Heartbeat, Its a Lovebeat- Defranco Family
Ah, my 6th grade love, Tony Defranco! (This is where my love of Italian men started! LOL)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Beauty in Unexpected Places
Sure enough, I awoke Saturday morning to rainy, damp, cold weather. I went out into the sunroom and was pleasantly surprised with this sight! I bought this plant last summer. It has survived all winter despite my neglect (I think I've only watered it three times all winter!) The pot had even turned over on its side.
This was a gentle reminder to me that life can take us by surprise. We can't always go by what we see on the outside. Outside it was rainy and cold, but inside, new life was blooming, even in a place where it was unexpected.
Happy Spring!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Moving Forward

Life seems to be flying at me double-speed these days (mainly good things, thankfully!) I see dreams coming true and am learning it's all in the attitude. Proverbs 23:7 says, "...as a man thinketh, so he is in his heart..." I have learned the truth in this! You ARE what you think! I see doors opening before me. In the past, I would hesitate and wonder what was on the other side? What if I made a mistake? What if I failed? It was safer to stay where I was. But staying in the same place makes one stagnant. I have to move forward. I have to take the chance.

When I face those mountains that loom ahead of me in life, I hold my head up and move forward. I'm not looking back. I'm not standing still. There's no place to go .... but forward.

It's funny how a simple conversation can point you in the right direction. Several years ago an old friend mentioned that he wanted to visit Mt. Everest. Interesting to me because, at the time, I had never given that part of the world any thought before. Soon after, I heard someone speak about Nepal (where Everest is located) and my heart was captured. I started to think this was not a coincidence. Actually traveling to that part of the world (albeit Bangladesh) confirmed what my heart was telling me. These were my people! That same friend mentioned he then wanted to go to Bhutan. "Where??" I thought (and was embarrassed to see that Bhutan was just located 2 hours north of where I had been in Dhaka).
Thanks to modern technology and my Facebook obsession, I now have a friend and future tour guide in Bhutan, my cool friend, Karma! Check out his website. http://www.go2bhutan.com/ It really is a small world after all.
Moving forward.....

Saturday, February 28, 2009
That's what I want.
That's what I crave.
I've noticed that some people are afraid of authenticity. It's much easier and comfortable to stay where they are, in their own little, safe box labeled, "complacency."
I have found that some people get angry at me for wanting to be real. Some people run away. Some people cannot bear the thought of change.
But I can't stay there anymore. It's suffocating.

I want what's real.
I want what's true.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day, My Friend!

Do you remember grade school? Valentine's Day was a BIG deal. We would spend weeks (it seemed) decorating shoe boxes with construction paper, paste, colored paper, hearts, doilies, candies, foil, and whatever other cool media we could find. Then we would sign scads of Valentine cards, carefully seal them in mini envelopes and address them to our classmates and friends. The party was so cool! Passing out the Valentines was fun but it was even more exciting to get home and open each one received.
But then....puberty arrives and suddenly a fun holiday has shifted from that of friends to that of feeling pressured to have a "sweetheart" at an age when I still thought most boys had cooties. Not to mention, if I did like a boy, I would rather DIE than let him know my true feelings!!
So since I have been about 13, I haven't liked this holiday very much. Even when I had a true love, I always felt sorry for all the single people out there who were meant to feel like losers for being on their own on this holiday of supposed love.
Even during the years of my marriage, I suppressed a bitterness because marriage was not what I had imagined or expected it to be. Sure I received the obligatory flowers and candy, but decided I would rather have nothing rather than a reminder of what was missing in my life.
So now, I'm past the divorce and experiencing such a relief and freedom in my life and I have declared that THIS Valentine's Day I am changing my attitude. I'm going back to grade school in my thinking...excited about sharing a fun holiday with my friends. No pressure. Love is fair and love is equal and love is cool.......for everyone, no matter if you have a sweetheart in your life or not.
I hope YOU have a wonderful Valentine's Day, no matter how you celebrate!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Journey - Girl Can't Help It
I've been obsessed with Journey lately. This song is constantly in my head!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Catch Up!

We're snowed in here in St. Louis (well, not literally snowed in, but the driving is dangerous and violin lessons have been canceled for tonight). Last night the three of us played a terrifically fun card came called Nertz.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Long Time!
I've disappeared from the blogger world for awhile because of a) holiday busyness; and b) my obession with Facebook! I hope this finds everyone well. We had a nice, but busy Christmas. And from there, I head straight into tax season. The years seem to be flying by. January is been slow for us at work (thankfully), but the storm will hit about mid-February and you won't see me for awhile until mid-April! (Seems like I just posted about last year's tax season not too long ago!) I look forward to catching up on reading your wonderful blogs. I've missed you all! Take care and God bless! - MJ
One of Katie's Megaglomper friends made this for her. How cool! (Does this make me Edward's mother-in-law?!)
Baby Aly is no more. Now she's Little Girl Aly! She was the highlight of Christmas morning, helping to pass gifts out to everyone (even though she had a look like, "Why am I handing out gifts?") Christmas Eve was dinner at Barb and Brad's. Christmas morning breakfast was at Chris and Jeneane's.
Christmas morning at our house.
Teenagers! (My, how fast they are growing!)
A few weeks before Christmas, Sister-in-Law Jeneane, organized a "pottery night" at the Painted Pot. I learned a new technique - glass cutting. I was taught how to break pieces of glass and glue them together to make an artful project. That's my penguin on the right. It was later put in the kiln and melded together. I hope to do more of this in the future!
Barb, Jeneane, and Melanie at the Painted Pot.

On New Year's Eve, Barb hosted her tradition "Kids NYE" party. Every year they write out the highlights of the old year, predictions for the new year, and read previous years' predictions. It's fun to see what they have written in the past!
My church had a New Year's Eve dinner and service. My pastor had asked me the day before if I would speak 3 - 4 minutes on the past year and how God had taken me through some troubled times (my divorce). I'm so glad I'm in the Toastmaster's public speaking club at work. It made me a lot less nervous and I actually enjoyed the opportunity to speak!