Tuesday, April 8, 2008


....our soon-to-be new family member, Phoenix!!

He's a foster puppy that was rescued from recent flooding in southern Missouri. He'll be available next week. We have been talking about getting a second dog for some time. I had hoped to get a dachschund, but who could resist this little guy? (the one on the top here)

Katie, Emily, and I went through several names but the deal was we all three had to agree. Some of the names were Edward, Snuggles, Parmesan, Mocha. Katie took a survey on her favorite posting site, Megaglomp.

I thought it was interesting that the only name we all agreed on was Phoenix. No, not after the city, but the symbolism of the mythological bird arising from the ashes---> rebirth, a new beginning. This little puppy is symbolic of our new start.

Isn't he adorable? We'll pick him up on April 19th.

Hard to believe there's only one week left of tax season. It has FLOWN BY!!!


Rhona said...

Woohoo!! Tax season nearly finished and a new puppy to come too. Looks like you'll be having a fun few weeks ahead. So good to be back on line and able to catch up on all the blogs again. Look forward to hearing more soon.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is....."OOOoohhhh, da babeeeeyyyy!!"

Carol Dunton said...

Awww...what a cutie! My dog is from a rescue organization, too, and they just bring such a sparkle to your lives! Congrats - on so many levels! : )