Kat's friend Helen told her to tell me to update, so here I am! TA-DA! :o)
I just survived another tax season. Strange, but good. My top week was 92.5 hours. The older I get, the more stamina I seem to have. Hmm. I imagine one of these years I'll just collapse for real! But I love my job. The overtime is great (and the extra cash, necessary) and the long hours are just short-term.

Now I'm in recovery mode, trying not to fall into the laziness trap and trying not to get overwhelmed by my very long to-do list. Today I made an excursion to this place. I used to be intimidated by such places back in my married days when I was a completely differently person and didn't realize that women could like this stuff too! I'm making a wishlist of cool things I want (yeah, they're really cool to me now!) leaf blower/vacuum, Shark steam mop, maybe a power washer. (I know - call me a freak!)
I've been following Dave Ramsey's program of paying off the debt I've accumulated because of and since my divorce. I haven't used a credit card since last November. Yeah! I'm anticipating being debt-free (except for the house) in three years. Then I'll be off to see the world (Lord willing!) Whee!
Another daily part of my life is this and what a HUGE blessing Brian Hardin and his ministry has been to me. I love his realness. God wants us to be REAL, not caught up in tradition and surrounded by a bubble to protect ourselves in. So many people are just too comfortable in their saved spot on the pew each week. WWJD? He got out in the streets where the real people were. I want that too.