Life has just thrown me for a loop. Since tax season ended a SECOND time, I just have been kind of frozen. Not to mention drowning in paper work. My mom's estate stuff....divorce stuff.....bills. I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (Let's hope it's not a train! hee! hee!)
Thank you to my sister, Barb, who invited herself and her family over on Memorial Day which forced me to get my house company-ready. It wasn't very fun while I was scrubbing and dusting but it sure feels good now! Marty came over too so we had a nice, impromptu semi-family gathering.
I think the divorce stuff is finally winding down. Mike came over this past week to hash out the final details of the settlement. It can't be over with soon enough. The guy totally creeps me out now. It's like a really bad movie where a woman thinks she's marrying this wonderful guy. He fathers her two children, but after some time, his mask gets pulled off and it turns out he's really been this scary, alien monster all along. Ick. But the woman has to put on a smile and encourage the children to have a relationship with this alien who pretended to be a good dad. "Sorry honey, I know he's an alien, but he's still your father!"
Here are a few updates:
My niece, Aly, turned one year old this month. She's growing up way too fast! Here she is with her mom and dad.

Remember Marty's contest-winning doorhanger? Here it is. The cool thing is that his name is on the back, so he gets credit for it. If you stay at an Embassy Suites, be sure to look for it!