Dae: Yes, but then she would complain that i never get her any flowers or candy or chocolates and my coworker got a GIANT bouquetwhydon'tyoueverdoanythingthoughtfulformewhyisitsohardtofindagoodmannotthatyouaren'tagoodmanbutyoucouldbemorethoughtfulwoulditKILLYOUtobealittlemorethoughtfulespeciallyafterallthosebedroomthingsidoforyouevenwheni'mnotinthemoodireallydon'tthinkit'sthatbigadealbutifyouwanttogowatchthesportsballgamewithyourbuddiesfinei'lljuststayhereandbesadandalonebecausethat'swhatyoureallywantanyhowisn'titohmygodishouldhavemarriedJames.
MJ: Let me tell it to you this way: Don't waste money on a day when romance is EXPECTED. Obligation does not equal romance. Send her a simple bouquet of flowers on some random day of the year with a note that says, "Just Because." Then she will appreciate you. And that's much more adventurous than "Ohgreatit'sFebruary14thIhopeI canstillfindacardandflowersathegrocerystoreonmywayhomefromwork."
1 comment:
Good idea about not doing it just when it's "supposed" to happen, but you try skipping Feb 14 and let me know what happens. I wish you luck. (Probably need to stock up on band aids before you go this route. Just saying...)
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