It's been a year since the sun room was built. While it was under construction, I felt God was telling me, "Behold, I am doing a new thing. " I knew that just didn't mean the physical building, but a New Thing in my life, in the church, and in those around me. So now I know what the New Thing is. New things are not always easy, but sometimes necessary, but eventually will turn into a Good Thing.
Thanks so much for all the kind and encouraging words, prayers, offers of help, and general support. I appreciate you all! For the select few who thought this blog was not the appropriate place to air my "dirty laundry." Well, the "unsubscribe" button can be found at the bottom of this page!!
Katie, Emily, and I are moving forward. We have a new habit of gathering every evening to pray specifically for Mike. We're working on forgiveness. I anticipate having a friendly, working relationship with the father of my children. I've even come to the place where I can pray for the current "other woman." What a life it must be to have so many deep-seated issues. It makes me thankful for the life God has blessed me with.
Something that was so hurtful has turned into a blessing. The tension, stress, doubt, and fear that he would cheat again has drained out of the house. No more toilet seats left up, clothes scattered about the house and other disgusting "man stuff" is here. Once all his belongings are moved out, this is going to be the GIRLS' house! So everyone's invited over for a giant, chick party when that happens!!! :o)
Mike is moving into his apartment today. I'm glad to see things moving forward. Katie's very angry (probably more angry than me now), but after all she had to carry the burden for several months of knowing what her dad was doing to not only her mom, but to her and her sister as well. His, "I didn't know she could hear the phone conversations" are without excuse. The damage is done. I'm praying my girls can get through this and still be able to make the right choices when it comes to the men they will date and eventually marry. This is a such a critical age for them. That's why we are going to start counseling as soon as possible.
I'm glad you're already looking forward to a "new life". I bet this is the best choice for a new beginning. The "Girls house" will be for sure loads of fun ;)
Girl, you're great, and I'm sure you'll have no problem with your daughters.
I admire your courage and strength as well as your faith. I'm sure with your support your girls will be fine. It's good to see you are looking to the positives ahead and that "Girls house" sounds like it should be a fun place to live :) Stay positive {hugs}
You're doing a fine job, my girl! As for those who don't like 'dirty laundry', they must go out and buy new clothes every time they spill something on themselves... too bad. When my ex moved out, it was just me and my 14 y.o. daughter, so I am familiar with the transition. It will work out very well...and yes, God did have new things in store for you! God bless you all.
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